Tuesday, April 24, 2007

PocketPc2003 IPAQ h1940 using Sony Erriccson v800 bluetooth modem for internet connection


as every time I use windows I encountered again a strange problem...

If you would try to use your mobile phone as modem you could get the same trouble:

Problem: the bluetooth connection works but the dialing doesn't.

1. Install a registry editor on your pda (TRE was my choice www2r.biglobe.ne.jp/~tascal/)
2. change the entries under:
->Drivers -> Unimodem -> Init
change the first at command named "1" to 'at +cgdcont=1,"IP","surfo2"'
where surfo2 is your Internetprovider host name - be carefully here to add the correct one -
if not you would not correct charged!
Delete the second init command as it is not necessary

Thats it, have fun!